Golden Marguerite

Golden Marguerite

Golden Marguerite (Anthemis tinctoria)

Golden marguerite fascinates us with its “classic” daisy crown and intense, deep yellow color. Although less common than ox-eye daisy, it thrives in suitable locations and gives a meadow characteristic bright golden tone. The yellow daisy blooms from June to frosts.

Golden Marguerite flower

The yellow daisy is a perennial, though rather short-lived, flower. It prefers dry gravel or sandy soil and full sun: because of that we often see it at roadsides. In a more fertile soil it is outcompeted by other flowers and grasses and therefore is rarely seen on ordinary grasslands. In flower-bed, where there are no competitors, it grows well in fertile garden soil, forming a dense clump.

On dry soil, the yellow daisy does not tolerate mowing because the root leaves dry up early.


Seeds should be stored in a sealed package in a refrigerator until sowing. Seeds germinate rapidly but young plants do not tolerate light and root competition from other plants. Therefore, the yellow daisy should be sown on pre-cultivated (milled, cultivated) land. A very thin layer of calcareous sand can be put on top of the soil surface – this prevents moss growth and prevents soil drying.

Yellow daisy sprouts in a seedling tray

The daisy is less resistant to mowing than many other meadowflowers. It should be mowed while in bloom and as high as possible – when the seeds begin to ripen, the root leaves usually dry out and the plant does not form new flower stalks.

Purified seeds of yellow marguerite can be purchased at Boreal Garden’s online store.